Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 13, 2015
By Anonymous

Since my constant mistakes get me in trouble, school has never been something that comes easy to me. Whether it was getting in trouble at school, or trying to run away, or punching a hole in the wall, I struggled at school. My little sister always finds a way to remind me I’m the broken cookie, but I like to say I’m the “experiment child.” It’s hard to accomplish things being broken so I’m always trying to find a way to fix myself. But having help along the way has gotten me where I am today.

When my life revolves around your grades, life tends to get overwhelming and exhausting. I needed someone who understood what I was going through and can communicate with me on a deeper level. Having that someone is a sense of relief. And Mrs. Beckman is my sense of relief.

Caring, understanding, and outgoing are all great ways to describe Mrs. Beckman. She truly cares about people and shows. She understands my faults and connects with me more than most people. We sit and talk about random things and it never gets boring. She tells me about her life and it gives me a better sense of who she truly is. If I had to pick one person, besides my parents, to guide me through life, it would be Mrs. Beckman--no questions about it.

Ever since I started meeting weekly with Mrs. Beckman, the director of student services,  my grades have improved greatly. She helped me become more motivated, to focus on the important concerns, like family and my emotions, and to realize the negative and positive circumstances going on in my life.

She’s the best at keeping my mind off stressful things, like how I’m going to even be able to get into college. I know if I need her at anytime, about anything, she will be there for me and that’s one of the greatest feelings. To know that I have someone to confide in and to treat me like an equal is truly a blessing.

Mrs. Beckman makes me feel like a freshly baked cookie instead of the broken cookie I am claimed to be. She is the push and encouragement I need to keep me going and she will be the one person from my high school time that I would love and hope to keep in contact with. That is why Mrs. Beckman is my favorite educator and I know I will always remember her.


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