Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 16, 2015
By highroller28 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
highroller28 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I've never been interested in nor done well in school. And it doesn't help that I have ADD, so I’m usually not focused in class. Sophomore year was no different from biology to gym--there wasn't a whole lot that grabbed my attention other than biology with Mr. Bisbee.
When I walked into Mr. Bisbees’ class, he already had my attention. His class was full of reptiles and other critters. When the bell rang, we got straight to business. Whether it was notes, labs, or in class assignments, we were always doing something in his class. One of the things I enjoyed about Mr. Bisbee: he doesn't believe in busy work. Everything we did in the class was important and was meant to help with the tests.
As it turned out, Mr. Bisbee wasn't as hard of a grader that everyone made him out to be. As long as you followed the instructions or rubrics, you got the grade you worked for. His classes weren't dull either, not even the notes. Whenever someone asked a question on topic he would have a detailed story about whatever the topic was, if the story wasn't directly related to the topic we were learning it was related to the class. Everything in Bisbees’ class was educational, he cared about teaching and having the students learn. Another bonuses of having Bisbee is that he’s willing to give assistance.
For once I cared about a class and tried to do in it. As a matter of fact I liked Mr. Bisbee and his class that I changed teachers so I could be in his class again for second semester biology. Although I wasn't happy about the grade that I got in the class, somewhere in the C range (because I didn't do the work), I was happy that I learned something in his class.
Mr. Bisbee is one of the special few teachers who can keep me focused in a class. There really wasn't, or hasn't been, a moment in his class that I haven’t enjoyed--this  is why I took him again my senior year for Biotech and Landscape Ecology.
Mr. Bisbee teaches from the vault of knowledge that is his brain, and cares about everything that he teaches--and this is why I’m nominating Greg Bisbee as teacher of the year.

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