Educator Of The Year | Teen Ink

Educator Of The Year

March 16, 2015
By Blahwaa BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Blahwaa BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
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Starting my first year at high school came with challenges, including new subjects, new homework, and new teachers. Your impression and the way you treat school this first year is everything.
    The way that I started my year at Arrowhead high school was I would slack off on homework, not take notes, and ddid bad on tests. I felt as if there was no hope in fixing this. I was like this through most of freshman year and the start of being a sophomore. I would try to do the homework, but I would "forget" that I had any. But, when I thought all hope for me in school was lost, I went to my last class of the day, Principles of Engineering.
    It was like any ordinary class, I walked in, sat down., Although, I like engineering, I did what I usually do, slack. But then that's when he walked up, Mr. Schlitt walked up. He came over to where I was sitting to make sure I was listening and taking notes., I had replied I was, even though we both knew I'm wasn't.
    After the class that day, Mr. Schlitt said he wanted to talk about the class. He talked to me about how important it was to listen and take notes, that if I wanted to learn in that class that I had to. At first I just kind of brushed it off, and just took notes when he watched.
    Then came the first test -- I failed. That was when I realized that I needed to step it up. I go up to Mr. Schlitt asking for all the help. in the class that I need, Hhe said he would try but he coaches tennis after school so it'd be hard. So I came in the days I could, did homework and projects I needed to do. He was like my map guiding me back on track.
    Mr. Schlitt was the teacher that helped guided me to my goals. He was a teacher that I knew I could get help from. The way that he taught the class was in his own down to earth way. Mr.Schlitt tried his hardest every class not just to help me but everyone in the class.
    After I started to pay attention in class, I found out how great of a teacher Mr. Schlitt really was. We was so connecting to me and all the students. He wentwould go out of his way to help the students in a way they understand.
Mr.Schlitt would always find ways to keept us interested in class and pay attention.
    After those days, I wanted to be more included in class, I raised my hand to ask, and answer, questions. I tried to do the work I could.
Most of the time you start slacking on work and failing classes, it’s hard to come back up. But with Mr.Schlitt's help, he got me out of the slump and pushed me to work my hardest in class and get a better grade.
    Your impression in high school means a lot, although getting out of a bad impression is hard, Mr.Schlitt showed me it was still possible. That is why I want to nominate Mr.Schlitt for this award, for his help he gives to every student.

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