Thomas Fechter | Teen Ink

Thomas Fechter

March 16, 2015
By MaxCrnkovich SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
MaxCrnkovich SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The start of my first year at Arrowhead was horrendous to say the least. I couldn’t find any of my classes, forgot most of the teacher’s names. It was a mess. I always struggled in math, it wasn’t my thing, it wasn’t my choice at all. On the first day at the last hour my last class was algebra. The teacher, a guy named Mr. Fechter.
I dragged myself into his class to end my everlasting boredom. The end was near and I just had to live through this last hour. I sit myself down in my desk, right up front in the classroom and slowly ease my head down. Trying to relax myself while still paying attention. A man walks in my line of sight just right of me, this must be Mr. Fechter.
I discovered something about him, he would talk about the lesson for a while then get off subject. On and off, on and off. I caught this immediately, but I couldn’t understand it. I leaned in, thinking this will help me more. As I really listened to him, he wasn’t just talking about some random story. It was a story that actually was embedded with the lesson itself!
He applied everyday math into one of his stories. It seemed that he would talk about various equations and the next he would talk about his childhood life and mixed it into our lesson. Mr. Fechter’s  stories were intriguing to the class and the more we were sucked into his story, the more we learned about algebra without even knowing it. It seemed that the class took 5 minutes to end. In reality it was 40. He was a time machine guide, and we were his pupils racing through time in the dimension of algebra.
Mr. Fechter was and always will be one of my favorite teachers at Arrowhead. He guided me through the path of struggling and frustration to understanding and adaptation. I have done what I thought I couldn’t do, but Mr. Fechter was persistent with his stories and examples he would give out in class. Surprisingly, I did great by the end of the semester and Mr. Fechter was there, anytime to pick me up and to keep moving me forward.
I declare Mr. Fechter as my nomination for this award in order to prove that even if you struggle, Mr. Fechter will always be there with his confidence even in the worst situations. Helpful is the least I can say about this great teacher. Not as a student, but as a person, Mr. Fechter is a persistent, imaginative and kind human being. He will always be remembered as the man who saved algebra.

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