My Educator | Teen Ink

My Educator

March 29, 2015
By joewilde88 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
joewilde88 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 When I think back and ask myself ,”Which one of my educators has helped form who I am as a person today?” I instantly think of my personal trainer, Kirk Remer.The first time I met Kirk was at a gym called Wisconsin Barbell, when I was in seventh grade. From that point on I was my trainers mold to form as long as I was ready to exceed limits. Exceeding limits everyday ment pushing a sled with whatever workload Kirk found a challenge until I just couldn’t do it. Along the path of kirks training I have received multiple lessons that have created who I am today.
As a seventh grader I wanted to be in football and for that to happen hard work was necessary. I was shy at first coming to the gym, but my largest life lessons and memories were soon to take place right in front of me. I knew what I wanted but didn't know what it meant to work hard, to be inspired, and overcome adversity until i met Kirk.  Through kirk I learned, like in life, that nothing good comes from no hard work. Once I realized this at a young age it created my strong work ethic, which i believe to be one of my greater qualities.

  The saying ,”No Show Joe” became notorious within the group at the gym because my attendance in the beginning of my career at Kirks gym. I was accepted into a group of seven kids with the determination burning like a wildfire within them. We were all brought to Kirk weak “

:’but willing, clueless but willing to learn. I realize that those moments I had when I was just growing up are making me into the very person I am today. That is why Kirk Remer is my most inspiring and life changing educator.

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