Going Above and Beyond | Teen Ink

Going Above and Beyond

April 19, 2015
By Rachael Strasburger BRONZE, Mount Airy, Maryland
Rachael Strasburger BRONZE, Mount Airy, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Going Above and Beyond

If someone asked you which classroom is Mr. Hornbeck’s, you always reply with “It’s the one that has all the planets and kites hanging from the ceiling.” Mr. Darren Hornbeck is the sociology and National & Global Issues teacher at Linganore High School in Frederick Maryland.
I first had Mr. Hornbeck in tenth grade and I remember walking into his classroom and sensing an atmosphere like no other. He has all the planets hanging down from the ceiling, stuffed animals on the floor and hundreds of pictures on the wall. Every morning, he would have different pictures of pets that students sent him up on the promethean board. It was always fun going to school in the morning and seeing your dog on the board.  Besides having an awesome teaching atmosphere, Mr. Hornbeck also has a unique style of teaching. In National & Global Issues, each morning we would go through important news stories and have in-depth conversations about each story. When we had a lesson on the Middle East, Mr. Hornbeck showed us pictures from his trip to the Middle East and showed us how everything has been affected by ISIS. During the lesson about ISIS, we had a debate on ways the U.S. and its allies could protect other Middle Eastern nations from ISIS. Mr. Hornbeck is one of those teachers, who make learning fun every day.
When it comes to Linganore High School, Mr. Hornbeck is always involved. This past year, the Linganore SGA and Mr. Hornbeck decided it was time to try something new at lunch. Linganore High School participated in the change it up program where you get a lifesaver at lunch and whatever color you got, you went and sat at that table and you met new people. It was a great experience for the school because you got to meet people that you have never talked to.  Mr. Hornbeck also helps out with the German Honor Society. Besides helping with organizations, Mr. Hornbeck is willing to take time out of his day to write letters of recommendation. As a senior this year, I asked Mr. Hornbeck if he would be willing to write my letter of recommendation and with his help, I was accepted to my dream school, Roger Williams in Rhode Island. When it comes to helping out other students, Mr. Hornbeck will do whatever it takes.
Mr. Hornbeck is a teacher who goes above and beyond and does whatever it takes to ensure that his students are having fun while learning. Mr. Hornbeck had greatly impacted my life and for that, I believe that he is the Educator of the Year.

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