Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 17, 2015
By kasey12 BRONZE, East Bernard, Texas
kasey12 BRONZE, East Bernard, Texas
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My nominee is Susie Walter she teaches and coaches at East Bernard High School. I picked her because she is the best cross country, track, and algebra teacher I have ever had.

She had taught me and all my cross country team to never give up, and that hard work goes a long way. She has taken us so far in cross country we got second in the state this year. She is an excellent coach because she is one of those coach that actually runs the work out with us, not those coach that just tell their kids what to run. She has experience running and knows that running takes a lot of hard work. She always gives us a motivational speech right before a big race, that helps us calms our nerves. In those speeches she tells us that we have put in all the hard work and that she knows we can do it. It helps that she believes so much in us. We always have so much fun with Coach Walters on the bus rides for cross country, and track meet trips. The best part is when we are done at a cross country meet she likes to play charades with us she is a lot better at it than I am.

In algebra she was a great teacher because whenever I did not understand anything as long as you went in for help she was willing to help you on whatever you needed it on. She was very good at explaining all the steps and made sure that you understood what you were doing on your test.

That is some of the reasons why she is my favorite coach and teacher. I can not wait to get more tips from her in the future. I will also live by some of her words that help me never give up at anything I do.

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