Health, Claggett Creek Middle School. Donna Wyatt | Teen Ink

Health, Claggett Creek Middle School. Donna Wyatt

May 1, 2015
By Connor McCormack BRONZE, Salem, Oregon
Connor McCormack BRONZE, Salem, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The first day I walked into Mrs. Wyatt's class, I had high expectations. My friends of years before had put her on a pedestal, and I was intrigued. I am glad to say that she completely blew my expectations out of the water. Not only is she a great teacher, but a great person as well. Every day, when you walk by her classroom, you can hear music blaring- everything from Eminem to Carrie Underwood to All Time Low. She is very enthusiastic, stating "I love teenagers!" She truly does, and she loves her job as well. She is always there for us kids. My best friend confided in her about her issues with self-harm, and my girlfriend did the same about her religous differences from her family. Finally, she taught me that opening yourself up to people does not mean you are weak. During a presentation about my "Natural Highs," I started to cry in front of the whole class, as drugs and alcohol have seriously impacted my family, and many of my friends' families as well. She thought no less of me then, or when she learned about my mental illnesses, or when she discovered that I used to self-harm. Mrs. Wyatt is always there for the people who need her, and that is what makes her a great educator.

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