Gunnery Sergeant Lemke | Teen Ink

Gunnery Sergeant Lemke

May 26, 2015
By N.Graham BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
N.Graham BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Gunnery Sergeant Lemke is the perfect example of what this Country is all about.  Everyone calls him Gunny, and he enlisted in the Marine Corps after he graduated high school; he has been a Marine ever since.  He truly shows what the United States Marine Corps is all about.  This man’s whole life has been dedicated to our great Nation.  He has so many good things in his life including his service, his positive effect on the community, and educating the next generation of this country as well.  I feel that Gunny is a great role model and a leader that I am able to look up to.  His commitment to the military has brought him to becoming a Naval Science Instructor after he retired from the Marines.

He continued his military career and is currently a Naval Science Instructor at the Delaware Military Academy.  In Naval Science, students learn many things about the military including the background of the military, proper military etiquette and drill.  But, Gunny doesn’t just teach his students what’s in the curriculum; he also talks about life lessons and other things that can be helpful to know.  Naval Science is my first class of the day, and I’m always looking forward to it. One of the things I enjoy most about the class is listening to Gunny talk about these life experiences and the stories that he shares with us mostly from being in the Marine Corps.  I find them very interesting, and they almost always end with the whole class laughing together.  There are no long boring lectures and work from a textbook in Gunny’s class; he makes it very fun and enjoyable for his students.

Over the years, Gunny has touched and positively contributed to many students’ lives.  He teaches his Cadets discipline, work ethic and respect.  Discipline is a very big part of the military; it is necessary in order to keep on track and stay focused in life.  In addition, you must have the work ethic to go after your goals and not only reach them but to excel them.  Respect is another huge thing Gunny talks about; he teaches us to respect our elders and that if we respect others, they will do the same in return.  These qualities are all extremely important both in school and afterwards throughout our lives.  Gunny taught me how to look at everything from a positive point of view and to be happy and grateful for being alive every single day.  He is always motivating us to strive for our best and to be great at everything we do.

Another thing that I really like about Gunny is his unique personality.  On the first day of school, I was very nervous and a little unsure of how I was going to like a military based high school.  When Gunny walked into the classroom first period, he immediately brightened the room and made me feel more comfortable.  He was extremely nice and welcoming, and before I knew it, I felt it was no doubt the school for me and right where I belong.  Every morning I see Gunny, and he is always smiling, even though school starts very early and everyone is still half asleep.  His mood is contagious, and even if I’m having a rough morning, it helps brighten my day.  He only gets a few hours of sleep a night and is still able to manage to have a great attitude towards life.  When students ask him why he doesn’t ever try to get more sleep, he replies “I can sleep when I’m dead.”  Another example of this is when it’s pouring down rain outside and students may comment on how bad the weather is today.  In turn, he’ll reply, “What do you mean, that’s just liquid sunshine!”  His optimism and outlook on life has showed me how to truly value each and every day.

It’s easy to see how much Gunny has been such a great role model for so many students, including myself.  He has given back so much to this Nation and his community.  Not only did he serve our Country, but he went on and chose to educate students about the importance, values and traditions of the military as well.  Gunny is truly someone I feel that leads by example, and I have learned so many things from him.  I can say he has personally had an influence on my life in several ways and I will always remember his lessons and morals he has instilled in me.  I believe it is extremely important for him to get the recognition he deserves for changing not only my life but the lives of many others.  In addition, he should be acknowledged because of all his hard work, commitment and bravery towards his Country and dedication to my school, Delaware Military Academy.  For these many reasons, I believe Gunnery Sergeant Lemke should be the Teen Ink 2015 Educator of the Year.

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