Educator | Teen Ink


October 7, 2015
By Redwingsfan13 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Redwingsfan13 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What makes a teacher a good teacher? There are several traits and characteristics that makes a teacher a favorite or a good teacher. One of these characteristics is a teacher who doesn’t just teach stuff about their subject, but also about life skills and are good influences. It doesn’t just have to be a teacher. It can be a mentor or a coach. And Coach Hoch is like Batman minus all the cool gadgets.

So who is my favorite?  Mr. Hoch has co taught two of the three summer gym classes I have been in. Mr. Hoch has also been my case manager junior and senior year. A case manager is assigned to a  student with a learning disability and an IEP. Mr. Hoch is a nice, funny, outgoing young man. By taking his summer gym for two years I have learned not about being active.

Mr. Hoch would tell us stories in gym class and he also taught me to be happy attending summer gym and showing up everyday on time with a good attitude. Mr. Hoch taught me the importance of life and being active and physical.

Mr. Hoch takes on many tasks at once which inspires and motivates me to also take on many tasks at a time. As being my case manager, Mr. Hoch helped me become a better student and get through my classes. Mr. Hoch has given me the best advice on how to talk to to my American Lit teacher Mrs. Nelson on what I missed

Mr. Hoch doesn’t just care about grades, he also cares about his students and how they are doing (and this makes Mr. Hoch a generous person). I also like to refer to Mr. Hoch as as Coach Hoch because he coaches. When Mr. Hoch coaches, he doesn’t just care about winning, but he also cares about having a fun time and participating. Another nice thing about Mr. Hoch is that he takes his job and coaching seriously. If a student of his needs to be informed about something, he will notify that student and tell him or her every detail. Mr. Hoch has a passion for basketball and baseball which makes him a great coach.

Mr. Hoch is there to brighten anyone's day. Mr. Hoch teaches the importance of life and school. One of Mr. Hoch’s favorite things to see is his students grades improving. Mr. Hoch also does a good job on setting up my IEP. Mr. Hoch cares about his students graduating on time.

It is not Mr. Hoch’s responsibility to make sure his students have good grades, it's the students. However,Mr. Hoch cares and wants to make sure his students get good grades so he does whatever he can to make sure his students are on top of their game. A great teacher means great skills.  I would consider myself lucky to have Mr. Hoch as a case manager. I feel lucky Mr. Hoch cares about his job and students.

A great teacher will take their job seriously. I would like to give an example story of how much Mr. Hoch cares about coaching basketball. It was a winter night and Arrowhead’s boys varsity basketball (which Mr. Hoch assistant coaches) were playing. They were playing a difficult team. At one point. some players were missing shots and were down by several points. Mr. Hoch did not get mad or upset--instead he still supported the team and he was happy that they were giving their best effort. Now that is being a good coach.

It is nice to see how wonderful of a coach and case manager Mr. Hoch is. I would also say that coach Hoch is a life coach. Mr. Hoch has been a great mentor for me for three years now.

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