Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 6, 2015
By 6kudis SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6kudis SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve never been the guy who's eager for school. When I hear the word school, I think of long days doing the same thing over and over again. I hate school--from getting up early, to long nights drenched in homework to putting up with a school of around 3,000 students for 180 days. So when I entered Mr. Skaros’s room ninth hour for American Problems, I was surprised when he took my bad days and turned them around.


Mr. Skaros is funny, harmonious, and passionate. He’s a dedicated football coach, teacher, and a newly wed. He goes above and beyond his duties of a school teacher. He taught me more than global affairs and foreign policies--he’s taught me the characteristics of making the step from a boy to a man. He did this by telling a story about when he was in high school on the football team and the day 911 happened all practices and everything was canceled and he was mad because he still wanted to play football that day. But then realized the destruction that happened that day and from there on out he became more humble and less selfish. This taught me that not everything revolves around you and that you have to grow up and understand that.  He starts class either with a joke or a story--they are never the same, but they are always funny.For example, one time he told us how he spilt water on his pants and had to walk around school looking like he wet himself. It puts everyone in the class in a good mood. He’s not afraid to make fun of himself either--and many of his stories consist of how he’s short, has a big nose, and about how kids would pick on him.
When I think of Mr. Skaros, I think of him more as a superhero than a teacher. He is flexible and understanding. He dosen’t add anxiety to my day; instead, he  eliminates it. He does this by not giving much homework and partner projects. His dedication for students isn’t limited to school as, he is also my football coach. Which is a huge sacrifice of time and commitment.         

Humorous yet informational, he taught kids (including me) to not worry about what other people think about you. Instead, he taught me to embrace who I am and to be the best me I can be. He’s carefree and fun, that is the why people in class always love learning more about the topic. It's his passion to educate kids, he’s the nucleus of the room and makes everything run smoothly.

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