Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 6, 2015
By Anonymous

I'm not the biggest fan of moving or going to school. I wasn't ready for my sophomore school year. I thought This is going to be another bad high school year,bad grades,bad temper, skip school I  didn't want to live in Hartland--It's hard to be in a new place, new school, new people.  It's just like being in a new world--I had felt so worthless about myself in school.I messed up my freshman school year and i had that deep feeling that i was going to mess my sophomore year too (maybe because people had told me that i wasn't going to get nowhere in life, that i was never going to be someone in life,that it was worthless for me to go to school).

Gang related people were my escape from the people that hurt me with words, they were my real friends--but most they were my family.

The first day of school came, and I was at Arrowhead, a big school.Weeks went by and i was in biology and i got to know Mrs.  Holdmann. She looked like a mean teacher when i first saw her (maybe because she had that really grumpy face that morning), i was ready for her class.

Around the second month of school, i got know Mrs. Holdmann better and she wasn't that mean teacher i thought she was going to be--she turned out to be a good teacher.  I enjoyed being in her class, and learning about cell respiration and extraordinary especies. She always tried her best to teach us things that would impress the class. For example, one day i came in the class and when  the class started she showed us a video of cells that are inside our body and how our body is really important. That was impressive.
One day in study hall she came up to me and we started talking about how good my grades were and i had told her about my freshman year and she felt bad--but she said she was proud of me for making it this far. She said she was proud that i was a totally different person than i used to be. It felt good talking to someone about my past.  just because people said i was worthless didn't meant that i was.Mrs. Holdmann taught me i could  be someone in life, that i wasn't that worthless person other people said i was.

Besides a good teacher Mrs.  Holdman was also a good listener, and a friend. I can talk to her about any problem, or anything I want to ask or talk to her about. She always tries her best to help me out.
To me,  Mrs.  Holdmann is the teacher of the year because she taught me with words that I’m not what other people think. Mrs. Holdman deserves to be the teacher of the year

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