Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 7, 2015
By Anonymous

I didn’t know what to expect when I walked into a computer class for the first time. I was hoping it was different than the rest, one that one encourage me to not miss any school. When the teacher walked in, sipping on his coffee, I couldn’t help but laugh. Looking at him, I saw “Hipster.” I knew he was going to be interesting. I wasn’t getting the same vibe I did from all of the other teachers.

I’ve been lucky to have Mr. Dahle for the past three years. His class is what put a smile on my face these past three years. He adds spice, excitement, and entertainment to his class. Even when half the class looks like zombie bobble heads, we still enjoy being there. There’s this sense of vibes when we are sitting in his class.
Mr. Dahle is a very interesting person. He’s like no other teacher I’ve seen. That’s what made the class so interesting. It’s almost as if you’re putting on a blindfold and getting on a random plane. It could fly anywhere and without you know knowing where. Mr. Dahle’s class was almost the same. It’s my destination after putting on the blindfold and going on a random flight. I have no idea what to expect.

Mr. Dahle tries to help his students to the best of his ability. He’s like the internet, if you have a question, he can answer. He wants to make sure you leave his class with the knowledge he expected you to have and with a smile on your face--which Mr. Dahle is very good at doing. He’s good at getting people to laugh and smile.
He tries to challenge you with assignments. I like challenges in his class because I have really high expectations for myself when dealing with computers or computer related programs. I want to be able to do anything on a computer to the best of my ability.

Every class I get entertained and don’t like missing school when I have his class. Mr. Dahle’s character just synergizes so well with his teaching and class. I have his class again next semester and I can’t wait. I’m not gonna know what to expect.

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