Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 7, 2015
By NMcKay SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
NMcKay SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When you don’t find school to be fun or exciting, it’s the middle of the day, and there seems like no end to the work and all of a sudden you get a wake up call in the form joy and excitement. Mrs. Passler is that wake up call, the teacher you can look forward to in the day to cheer you up or to even wake you up.

Mrs. Passler is a very engaging teacher with a metric ton of excitement and enthusiasm. Not only does she teach you the impact of British Literature in a fun way, she also expresses her own passion for the material. She cares about British Literature, and she wants to show kids what makes her class so special to her.

A teacher that can genuinely get you interested in something you normally find boring like poetry is something special. The way she is able to turn poetry analysis into a classroom discussion and also making it fun at the same time is amazing. Not only does her class have fun learning and remembering what we are talking about, she provides every opportunity for you to learn the material you may have missed or forgotten and allows you to fix your mistakes.

She is flexible with anyones schedule, she will work with you on something as big as a project or as small as an assignment after school whenever she has the chance. She is easily contactable and always friendly.
Mrs. Passler is caring and always there to hear any fun stories or even any problems. When we finish our lesson plan i pulled out homework for another class, she walked by and asked me what i was working on. She then offered to help me as it was some material she had some knowledge of.

If you ever need to calm down during the middle of the day, or you have something that’s bothering you. Mrs. Passler holds a kind of meditation session during a lunch period that anyone is welcome to join whenever they want. This way she is able to help kids calm down after a stressful day.

In a class where there is six girls for every guy, it was hard to relate with some of the stories that were shared. But Mrs. Passler was able to connect these stories to a situation in our lives and it made the class much more enjoyable. Without her doing this, i’m not sure if i could last a whole semester of girls talking about their problems.

For these reasons i’m nominating Mrs. Passler as my favorite educator. She’s one of the only teachers that i can say will get me excited for a class, so much so that i will try my best to stay awake.

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