Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

December 15, 2015
By Anonymous


Educator of the Year

            Imagine having a teacher that you knew you could always rely on. Mrs. Amy King from Harlan Independent Schools, should be Educator of the Year. Mrs. King should be Educator of the Year because of her style of teaching, involvement in school activities, and the way that she uses her home life in the classroom.

            Mrs. King has a great way of teaching. She has a style of teaching that is unlike many other teachers. She makes her students understand everything that they are hearing. She has a style of teaching that works very well in her classroom. Also, she doesn’t let any student fall behind. If a student isn’t accomplishing their work, she does whatever she can to help them succeed. So, Mrs. King cares for her student’s educations. Therefore, Mrs. King’s style of teaching is important in many ways to her students and her classroom.

            In addition, Mrs. King is involved in school activities. For example, She is an athletic director at Harlan Independent Schools. She helps out many sports teams at the school by arranging games. If we didn’t have her, we would lose an important part of our school. She also helps in fundraising. She raises money for causes at the school such as the 8th grade field trip to Washington DC this year. School clubs and classes would lose funds if we didn’t have Mrs. King. Thus, Mrs. King helps our school by involving herself in activities that she doesn’t have to do. 

            Furthermore, she takes her experience with being a mother and brings it into the classroom. Mrs. King is a mother to three daughters. Her experience with motherhood helps her in the classroom. Her teaching style is affected by the fact that she is a loving mother. She cares for her students like they are her own children. She always knows exactly what to say when her students need her. Her students know that she is someone that they can trust like she was their mother. Therefore, Mrs. King being a mom helps her with her students.

            Thus, having a teacher that you can trust is important throughout your school years. Mrs. Amy King should be Educator of the Year because of her style of teaching, involvement, in school activities, and her knowledge of how being a mother helps in the classroom. Mrs. King is one of the best teachers that I have ever had, and she has made an impact on all of her student’s lives.


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