Mr. Steven Palmer Should Be "Educator of the Year" | Teen Ink

Mr. Steven Palmer Should Be "Educator of the Year"

December 16, 2015
By cseals86 BRONZE, Harlan, Kentucky
cseals86 BRONZE, Harlan, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Steven Palmer Should Be “Educator of the Year”

An admirable teacher leaves an everlasting impression on every student they teach and influence. This teacher in my life is Mr. Steven Palmer of the Harlan Independent Middle/High School, who I believe deserves to be “Educator of the Year”. Mr. Palmer should be honored as “Educator of the Year” because of his very successful teaching methods, his powerful connection with his students along with an impressive influence on them, and his unyielding determination in ensuring his students completely understand concepts.
Mr. Palmer utilizes many teaching methods that are very successful in helping students to understand concepts. One of these methods used by Mr. Palmer is using hand motions to help students to better understand new terms, definitions, and other concepts. These hand movements help students to connect new ideas with simple motions that can be easily remembered. Students also repeat the movements, along with any speech, to each other to assure that they understand the concepts. Mr. Palmer also uses other methods of teaching. One method is by providing students with notes that contain many beneficial examples, definitions, and other information. He also plays the class videos that are usually humorous to aid students to relate to the content. Mr. Palmer’s variety of teaching methods is very successful and is reflected in his students.
He also has a very strong connection with, and a major influence on his students. Mr. Palmer’s use of humor and the interests of students creates a connection to him and a friendly environment. His cheerful attitude and friendly demeanor make him seem more like a friend than a teacher. This connection leaves a lasting impression on his students and reflects in their lives. Mr. Palmer and his students have a powerful connection that influences their lives and his as well.
Another reason Mr. Palmer should be “Educator of the Year” is because he expresses a very powerful determination when ensuring his students understand material. Mr. Palmer will take any means necessary to ensure material is understood. He will even sit down with an individual student and explain the material specifically to them and will not leave until the student fully understands the content. Mr. Palmer relentlessly pursues the goal of complete student comprehension and expects the same determination from his students. Mr. Palmer does not take “I don’t know” for an answer; he will wait and guide students until they find the answer. He also selects random students to answer questions to assure that every student comprehends the material, not just the ones with their hands raised. Mr. Palmer’s determination has led his students on the path of success and new determination for themselves.
Everyone has a teacher in their life that has left an impression on them through their hard work and influence. This teacher to me is Mr. Steven Palmer, who has proven that he should be “Educator of the Year” through his methods, influence, and determination. “Educator of the Year” is a major honor; should it not go to someone who has put every fiber of their being into the success of the next generation?

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