My Rolemodel | Teen Ink

My Rolemodel

February 22, 2016
By Rahela BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
Rahela BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

February 2, 2016
Dear Ms. Shields (Homeroom teacher),

Thank you for putting me into STEM classes. You believed in me even when I failed to believe in myself. You showed me messing up helped me learn new things. You also made me interested in the world of engineering from Robotics to Design and Modeling. The classes you introduced me to inspired me to become an engineer. Without you, I might not consider engineering as a future occupation. In 7th grade, engineering seemed like something I never considered because I believed other people could perform better activities in class. Becoming a female engineer who changes the way people look at engineering, slowly turning into a dream of mine. After Robotics and Design and Modeling, engineering became a passion of mine. 

Throughout the years you put so much care and support in my life. You constantly helped me even when I convinced myself asking for help seemed unnecessary. Confronting you made me nervous because I felt ignorant. But, you allowed me to realize the importance of asking for help rather than not knowing the answer. Mrs. Shields, you truly show signs of a role model: showing creativity and uniqueness, and most importantly, showing concern and respect to others.

With your constant support, you help me mature into a young confident student. I appreciate everything you provided me over the years. Asking me about my classes, or simply asking about my day fills me with joy. When I talk to you about my troubles, honesty comes easily. For example, one math lesson failed to make sense but I felt too scared to ask question about it, so I went to you instead. You told me you put me into these classes because you knew I could handle it. Once again I thank you for the constant support you give.

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