Teacher Letter | Teen Ink

Teacher Letter

February 22, 2016
By Elezabeth BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
Elezabeth BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Mrs. Graham,

Thank you so much for making my years of middle school so memorable and joyful. First off, I want to thank you for the hard work and effort you made, helping me throughout the past years. Whether electives or core classes, the classes you taught always contained laughter and joy, and have helped me in multiple ways. Since our task instructs us to write a letter to the teachers we appreciate, I chose to write a letter to you because I believe you have influenced my life through your teaching, kindness, and lively personality. Along with your teaching, I learned to be more outgoing and comfortable with others, through your influence. I will always remember how energetic, amusing, and kind you taught our classes (no matter how obnoxious we acted). Your unique teaching methods used in class concludes as my favorite moments; and helped me gain the confidence to participate more in class (ex: plays, skits, debates, etc.). I especially loved one of the (more cruel) methods taught in our 7th grade language arts class, “killing your babies”; meaning the action of deleting parts of our hard work in papers. Thank you for constantly teaching us new lessons, not just about class topics, but on life each day.

Each year, you teach and help our classes as much as possible, and I thank you for your efforts and patience. I want to thank you especially for always providing positive impacts in our daily lives. Although I do not have you as my teacher as often anymore, I still remember the first few years of middle school. I loved the days where a few kids, including myself, stayed back in your class on Fridays, while everyone else left for enrichment. On those days, we all laughed, shared stories, and through it all, helped me become more comfortable talking to you and sharing with others. I love how you also let us know we can talk and trust you with any information. Thank you for your kindness, generosity, and I will forever appreciate the patience and hard work it took to handle our classes (mostly because of our loud, yet entertaining LA class last year).

Passionate. This is a special trait I discovered you carry throughout your classes, always welcoming us each day in a great mood. I admire the passion you express when teaching, and the talent to make students feel more happy in class with the many jokes and backstories you tell us. This special trait has persuaded me into wanting to go into teaching when I grow older. I admire the determination you have to teach students, and the connections you make with us through your welcoming personality. Leaving East Prairie, I will never forget the days I spent in your classes; and the amazing impact you made in my life. Thank you so much for all you have taught me in the past years, and I will continue to admire and appreciate all you have done. Thank you so much, Mrs. Graham.

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