Forever Inspiring | Teen Ink

Forever Inspiring

February 22, 2016
By saramontesss BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
saramontesss BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Ms. Hsu,

With all the other teachers who supported me, you influenced me the most. My years at East Prairie School are coming to an end and I acknowledge many teachers for helping me. With you around during my classes I found it easier to learn and concentrate. 

I participated in a class with you named “Mini Musical” and every time I entered, we continued working right away. I looked forward to working on the play with you and my classmates, everyday. You always found ways to calm my classmates when they chose not to cooperate. As we approached the end of the class, the performance for the elementary grades inched closer. With the many days of practice in class and on stage, we felt ready for a performance. Many of us thought we acted greatly enough to perform in front of the whole school. Gladly, you helped us gain the opportunity. I really enjoyed performing in the musical, and from what I heard from my classmates, they enjoyed it as well. Without your encouragement and teaching, failure felt like the outcome, and for this I appreciate you tremendously.

I admire the joy you show for your job and the delight you contain for teaching us. I always found an interest in learning how to play the piano. I felt extremely glad to find out I was selected for the class and finally received a chance to play piano. I knew it was tough to teach me because I knew very little but you never seemed to mind. In every class you helped me to correct the mistakes I made and to help me with my problems. Though you had many students to teach, you found a way to teach all of us equally. I will always remember the last few years I spent with you.

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