Thanks, Coach | Teen Ink

Thanks, Coach

February 22, 2016
By RA733N5 BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
RA733N5 BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Eric Baumann

(Varsity Basketball Team for East Prairie School),


I cannot forget this year. Our journey together as player and coach comes to an end, next week. I remember the fun times, and the hard times.Your influence substantially changed me. You influence me to do my best on and off the court. The expectations set for me make me strive to become a better person. I practice, and play hard because of your training. Also, your standards help me do better academically. When the team struggles to pass classes, we have a study hall. We feel motivated to do our best academically because you influenced us.


I appreciate the time you put into the basketball team. Every year you volunteer to stay 2 hours after school to watch pesky boys play basketball. We probably get on your nerves but you stay and support us. I cannot imagine anyone else coaching us. After practices and games, I stand outside waiting for my ride. You walk up and wait with me for 15-30 min, and I appreciate it. I appreciate all you do for me and for the team.


I admire your ability to coach.  We take time to go over new plays, and learn new ways to score. You know us so well, and cater to our needs, and we improve every year. I remember during practice you told us we can beat any team in the conference if we focus. Before a game, if we act c***y, you tell us to play hard and not to lose focus. After a bad game, you tell us to keep our heads up and prepare for the next one. Over the years, you taught us how to play team basketball. We learned how to cope with attitudes of other teammates, and not to blame others. I thank you for instilling these virtues into our team. I improved considerably over the years and hope to become even better. I want to make you proud the same way you made us proud to call you Coach.

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