Zickgraf | Teen Ink


February 22, 2016
By Anonymous

Dear Mrs. Zickgraf,

You have influenced my life by showing me that if I can always improve myself. When I first entered your science class, I was just an overconfident tween; when I exited it, however, I had become so much more. For example, I initially made quite a few errors on my lab writeups, but as time passed I started to get better at it.

I admire you because you did not necessarily need to follow the standard mold of teachers coming off as compassionate to get your message across; in fact, I believe this made you have more impact. I am currently in Ms. DeCamp’s classes for Language Arts and Social Studies and she appears to be taking a similar approach with her teaching style.

I appreciate you because you helped me understand the importance of writing my answers in full sentences. When I first started your science class, I did not understand this and simply wrote down the answers with very little thought. When you said to the class our answers had to be in sentences, I initially did not like it; when I started to write in sentences, however, I realized that this was to get us thinking about our answers. In conclusion, I believe that you were a good teacher despite my initial opinion.

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