A Helping Hand | Teen Ink

A Helping Hand

February 23, 2016
By sarahrupani BRONZE, Chicago/Skokie, Illinois
sarahrupani BRONZE, Chicago/Skokie, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Ms. Smeeton,

“The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called ‘truth.’” - Dan Rather
As a teacher you inspire and motivate your students to work hard, believe in themselves and trust their capabilities to achieve nothing but the best.

You influenced my life by helping me improve my communication and critical thinking skills. When I first entered your debate class, I thought of myself an awkward and reserved student. I still hang on to these traits, but I now know my limitations and boundaries. I rarely expressed my opinions or talked to other “strangers” in my classes. As the course continued, I began speaking more clearly, and now I use the skill when talking to new people or acquaintances. Those small conversations led to friendships I hope to remember forever. When I joined Enrichment, my relationships with my friends and peers became stronger and my love for these oddballs expanded.

I admire your passion for your work. Everyday, you come into the building with a smile on your face, ready to teach. Throughout school projects, such as creating a garden for a food pantry and conducting a bake sale, we learn empathy, compassion, and responsibility towards our society. When not doing charity work, you encourage students to reach their full potential and improve as students and human beings. Your small, yet kind acts made a major impact on me.

Your teaching sparked new interests in me I never thought of pursuing. You believed in me when even I lacked conviction. All these reasons add up to why I feel the need to express my gratitude towards you. Debate and Enrichment brought me a lot of joy throughout these past few years.  Because of you, hidden voices become heard. Not by just calling on students, but when a student mumbles or mentions an idea, you listen to every comment and work upon it. I appreciate all the great opportunities you open for the school and students, and I loved participating in a few of them.  As I say good bye to EPS, I want you to know, I will never forget you. I will never forget the awkward, sad, and funny moments our Enrichment class experienced. I will never forget the potential you saw in me, and I will never forget your teaching.

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