The Apple of My Eye | Teen Ink

The Apple of My Eye

February 23, 2016
By 23DollarBill BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
23DollarBill BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Tim Berlinghof
(Band Director of East Prairie School),


I remember the first time I met you. I nervously walked into the band room in fourth grade. Instantly, you greeted me and welcomed me in. At the time, I knew nothing about key signatures, scales, or even simple notes. But every single class, even to this day, you greet me to a whole new world of music; a world with complex rhythms, rapid tempos, and tricky triplets, a world I never knew of greatly influencing my life.

As I improve my skills, you continued to support me and provide opportunities to let my talents shine. I recall the times when every year at the IGSMA solo/ensemble contest, I predicted myself to achieve last place. But, out of the blue, you always trained me so well to obtain first place! Additionally, you inspired me to continue music and broaden my horizons. In effect, I started to study an Indian percussion instrument ? the tabla. When the time came, I decided to perform a complex, but beautiful, piece. With your kind-hearted ego, you accepted my request to manage and fit in a time for me to perform. As Andy Rooney once said, “Most of us end up with no more than 5 to 6 peoples who remember us, a great teacher has thousands of peoples who remember them heartily till the end of their lives”, I agree and believe you are the “great teacher” in my heart.

In conclusion, thank you very much for your work and teachings. Without you, I could never reach this far. You are not only a teacher, but a mentor, a leader, an inspirer… the list goes on and on. But, I will always remember you as a key waiting to be found. And when I found the golden key, it unlocked a door to a whole new world ? a musical world.

The author's comments:

The one person that greatly inspired me to write this piece is the band director of my school. He has greatly influenced my life to the extent that I would have never guessed. So, I hope readers like you will be considerably inspired!

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