Msgt. Howie Educator of the Year DMA | Teen Ink

Msgt. Howie Educator of the Year DMA

March 21, 2016
By colbystirk BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
colbystirk BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Msgt. Howie DMA

     Starting high school for most teens is scary, and going to a military school is even scarier. Most people wouldn’t think a retired Marine would make one of the best teachers. That is where Msgt. Kevin Howie comes in. Msgt. Howie is a Naval Science Instructor at The Delaware Military Academy. Here are the reasons I believe that he should win Educator of the Year.

      My naval science teacher is the ideal teacher. He is always positive but he will also tell you how it is. He always tells us to try our best with whatever we do and never turn anything in that we wouldn't be proud of. He makes learning fun in Naval Science. He always has crazy stories from when he was in the Marines to go along with the lessons.

     Msgt. Howie can be funny and outgoing but when it's time to be serious, he knows how to keep us in check. He can make everyone in a room laugh with his sense of humor and wit, but he will crack down on us come inspection time or any serious military event. He sees everything that goes on, so pray he doesn’t see you talking or with your hands in your pockets. He also sees everything that happens in class. If you’re chewing gum, eating or not respecting others, you better expect he’ll catch you and make you do pushups.

     Msgt. Howie cares a lot about his cadets. He takes the time to get to know each and every one of his cadets and takes note of how we act. He knows if we are having an off day just by how we are acting and asks us what's wrong. He always wants the best for us and tries his best to help us succeed and reach or exceed our goals.

     These are some of the reasons why Msgt. Howie should win Educator of the Year. There are many more reasons, but these stand out the most. He's a great Naval Science Instructor and is very good at his job. I want to say thank you for helping me make my freshmen year so great and being an inspiration to me and all of your cadets. This is why, in my opinion, Msgt. Howie should win.

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