Mrs. Faccenda | Teen Ink

Mrs. Faccenda

March 22, 2016
By maxlennon BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
maxlennon BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments



Have you ever had one of those teachers that made you love to learn everyday? Well for me, Mrs. Faccenda was that teacher. I looked forward to her class everyday of the week. She was able to capture my attention everyday even though she taught a subject that I had hated since I was young, English, but eventually I learned to love English because of her. 
One of Mrs. Faccenda’s greatest attributes was her attitude. Everyday her positivity infected you. You could not help but laugh at the silly comments she made when someone messed up on something, or her cute little sayings that seemed to hit everyone right in the heart. Even if you were having a horrible week, Mrs. Faccenda could uplift your spirits. I eagerly waited for block two English; her positivity was like a drug. The more you were around her the more you wanted to be around her. While her class was an absolute blast, she still prepared us for what was to come.
Not only was her class an amazingly positive experience, but it prepared us for high school and beyond. Unlike some of the teachers I have had over the years, Mrs. Faccenda taught us things that we would actually use in life. Also, she had impeccable timing. She would spend just the right amount of time on something so that we all knew it, but she never spent too much time on something to where it seemed like she was beating a dead horse. Her classroom was a very grownup atmosphere like a high school class, and she always talked about what high school was like. Looking back on the first day of high school English, I was not even worried because I knew that she had prepared me for this experience.
Honestly, my favorite thing about Mrs. Faccenda is that she genuinely cared about you. If a student seemed upset, she would make sure they were okay. If she heard your name get called down to the office, she would ask if you had gotten yourself into trouble. I remember one time this girl came into class crying and Mrs. Faccenda let her take the class period off to talk with the guidance counselor. It was these simple acts of kindness that made you love her as a person and as a teacher.
Mrs. Faccenda is definitely one of the greatest teachers I've ever had. She is one of the most positive people I know. She prepared us for life after middle school, and finally, she cared so much about us as people, not just as students. It doesn't matter what happens with this contest, in my book Mrs. Faccenda is definitely an Educator of the Year.


Max Lennon

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