Educator of the year | Teen Ink

Educator of the year

March 28, 2016
By Brooke_2462 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Brooke_2462 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Educator Of The Year

     Any person can be a good educator. A person can be really smart in a subject like math, but not know much about science or biology. Someone can know a lot about biology and little to nothing about math. They can teach each other a great amount of things. It all depends on how much you’re willing to take. A special someone who educates me on a daily basis would be, my journalism teacher, Mr.Johnson. You learn something new everyday right,  he teaches me stuff I never volunteered to learn about. Like I signed up for journalism not lectures about life.
     Mr. Johnson isn’t my favorite teacher but he is a close runner up. Mr. Johnson treats the class as a business, there is a lot of deadlines in short periods of time. He really keeps us going, we just finished a group project and now individual projects. But life isn’t easy and we have to learn that the easy way or the hard way. Like if you don’t have the stuff ready on the due date, in the real world you’re most likely to get fired. He is a fun teacher even though he gives us students a lot of work. The class still has it’s perks that makes all the work seem better.
         Mr. Johnson teaches us, to take pride in my work, to multitask, be organized, to not procrastinate. He can be strict sometimes, but he does it for our own good. We get a lot of homework in this class and it can be hard. However Ms.Johnson always helps us out and shows us what to do. He guides us when we need help, he doesn’t give us the answers sadly. He teaches us about life, and makes us into hard workers. Other students don’t like him cause he works them to hard, but I nominate him for educator of the year because of that. Anyone can be a good educator but no one like Mr.Johnson.

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