Master Sergeant Howie as educator of the year | Teen Ink

Master Sergeant Howie as educator of the year

March 31, 2016
By Josiemcclure26 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Josiemcclure26 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Master Sergeant Howie is a new Naval Science teacher at The Delaware Military Academy. When I first walked into his classroom, the first thing I noticed was that he was super tall and scary looking. As I got to know him in class, I realised that he wasn’t what I thought he would be. One of the first things he talked to us about was what our theme song would be, and He told us that his would be the John Cena theme song. In that moment, I realised that he was going to be one of my favorite teachers. If someone asked me to describe him in three ways, I would say that he is inspirational, easy to talk to, and motivational.
Master Sergeant is inspirational because he tells us so many stories about when he was in the Marines, and each one of them teaches me a story and makes me want to be a better person one by one. Every unit we work on teaches me a life lesson; we just got done a relationship lesson that taught me so much about the relationships I  have with my parents, friends, and other family. We also try to drill everyday, so when Thursday comes, we are as ready as we can be for parade and inspection.
He is such an easy person to talk to. Whenever we’re working on a unit, people always add things to it like a story or just their personal opinion, and he usually gives his input or advice; He doesn’t judge you; he wants to help you. He will email your parents, not because you did something wrong, but because you’re doing something right. He emailed my parents last week and told them about how I’m doing in class, and it was all good things. Master Sergeant is motivational by getting us ready for college early; he gives us tips for college or life like listening to instructions for formatting your paper and just general advice for the future. When I think about Master Sergeant, I think of him as the dad of the school; you can always talk to him if you need to. I also like how he remembers certain things about everyone. For example, if you tell him what you like to do in your free time or what you want to be when you grow up, he’ll remember that and randomly talk to you or ask questions about it. He always motivates everyone, whether it’s with his life stories, or by showing a movie with the same message as the lesson. He also wants to get us out of our comfort zone and take chances. I’m a very quiet person, and a couple weeks ago, he told me that I was going to be in charge of a class project that had to do with making a type of  ship.
So far my first year of high school has been great, and I’ve learned so much about myself in my Naval Science class. I was a little hesitant about going to The Delaware Military Academy, but I’m glad I chose to go because if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have Master Sergeant Howie. I hope that the next year’s freshmen are able to have the same experience I had this year.

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