Mrs. Smalls | Teen Ink

Mrs. Smalls

April 10, 2016
By astonebraker BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
astonebraker BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Have you ever had a teacher who stands out?”  “A teacher who has made learning a whole new experience?”  For me it was my eighth grade math teacher Mrs. Smalls.  From her crazy personality to her flashy style.  From her cateye glasses to her high heels. There are so many reasons why Mrs. Smalls should win this award and I will tell you why.

Mrs. Smalls had a style of teaching not many other teachers have.  She always tried to make a lesson interesting.  She always tried to make learning fun and enjoyable.  From the crazy examples for the problems in our notes.  Her way of teaching made it easier for me and a lot of kids to understand the work.  I struggled specifically in math and Mrs. Smalls really helped me to understand the work.  Whenever someone was struggling she was always there to help.

Mrs. Smalls had an amazing personality.  She was a hilarious, charismatic, and nice person.  Her Brooklyn accent that was so entertaining to listen to.  Mrs. Smalls always had a smile on her face, even when she was upset she never tried to bring that attitude into the class because she felt that would bring the mood down.  But don’t let all that fool you when we need to be serious that's what she expected and nothing less than that.  She was very respectful but definitely expected it back.  There was an amazing bond she had with her students. But if you were to break her trust it was hard to earn it back. 

Some of the things we did in class was play Jeopardy, silent ball, and other fun games.  When we went to Launch Trampoline Park she challenged some of the basketball players to play with her.  One of the things about Mrs. Smalls was that she was so relatable. She as always joking around and laughing which really helped the mood of the class.  She made it so it was just copying notes and doing worksheets. She just made everything more enjoyable.

Mrs. Smalls was everything I could ask for in a teacher.  She made learning a whole new experience for me and so many others. Mrs. Smalls truly deserves this award.  I really hope you take this nomination into consideration.

The author's comments:

To who ever is reading this I hope you have or had a teacher who makes or mad teaching a whole new experience.  If you do nominate them for the Educator of the Year Award.

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