Educator of the Year award | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year award

April 21, 2016
By Austinseverance BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Austinseverance BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In order to have a good, strong bond with your teacher, you have to spend lots of time with them, but not Ms. Calderone. I only had one month with her because of schedule changes at the beginning of the year, but that’s all it took; I loved her class, and I respected her as a teacher, and a person. She is truly one of the best teachers I have ever had and one I will remember.

Ms. C was one of the best teachers I have ever had because we were very much alike in the sense of both being organized, both by time management and also being organized in the classroom and on the computer. We could have fun and still be able to learn a whole lesson and even get a jump start on the next lesson in the same day. Some examples of this are when we would get restless and start messing around in her class. Instead of acting like a lot of other teachers who would just yell at us and move on, she could make that connection with us and joke around with us, but still then focus our attention back on the lesson. I find this kind of trait in a teacher very far and few between. Never have I had a teacher quite as good as Ms. Calderone.

The first day of class Ms. C made it clear to us that a lot of class time was going to be used towards looking at different colleges, practicing writing a resume, and working on Excel spread sheets to help us get ready for the future. One day in class I was having trouble with using this one website to look at colleges that matched our wants and needs. Now Ms. Calderone wasn’t like most teachers who would just give you five seconds of “help” and just move on. She came over and sat down with me, and she helped me figure it all out. I’ve never been the type of person who excelled at different Excel programs and things like that, but by the time I had to leave Ms. Calderone’s class, I was a pro. She just had this way where she could help everyone in our class individually, but still manage to get through all of our lessons.

I never dreaded having to go to Ms. Calderone’s class; I never dreaded having to take a test or not being able to turn in an assignment, because I was always ready and happy to go to her class. The best part about it was I had her last period every day, and it was much better knowing that my last class of the day was going to end on a good note. Another thing I liked about Ms. C was that she always decorated her room for holidays. Whenever I would drive to school in the morning, all the other classes would be dark, but not hers; it would always be bright just from the Christmas tree to the strands of lights going all the way around the classroom. This is one of the greatest things I liked about Ms. C, not that her classroom was decorated to perfection, but knowing that she cared.
After reading this do you still remember that one teacher that you liked so much and you were always so excited to go to their class? Well, for me, that was Ms. Calderone even though I couldn’t stay with her the whole semester. She could always bring all the students together in our class, and always have fun, and make it a smooth running class. For these reasons and more she’s my nomination for Teen Ink’s Educator of the Year

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