Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 21, 2016
By ashleydma BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
ashleydma BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
don't worry be happy!

Everyone always talks about that one teacher that is there for you from start to finish. Without a doubt that one teacher for me was Mrs.Foxwell. Mrs.Foxwell was my Business Technology teacher from 6th grade to 8th grade. Not a day went by that I complained or dreaded going to her class. Entering that classroom I knew I was going to learn several new things each day. In that class, our classmates were our coworkers and Mrs.Foxwell was our Manager. During those 3 years with Mrs.Foxwell I learned time management, entrepreneurship, how to interview, how to pay bills, how to present yourself in the business world, and most of all, how to succeed. Mrs.Foxwell is such a caring, approachable, and fun person.


In the 6th grade my first day I walked into that classroom, I just felt the learning style and knew it was like no other classroom. My first class Mrs.Foxwell laid down the ground rules that would apply the next 3 years and explained to us how the class would work. I know all teachers are supposed to care for you and hope you do well but with Mrs.Foxwell it really stood out. She was full of life, always positive, and respectful towards others. She seemed to know when people needed help and never moved on in class if someone was confused. Mrs.Foxwell reminded us everyday that she did not want us to have a hard time in the business world and that we would be prepared for our future, so she set up a whole lesson plan that was for us to create our own business. She gave all of us different budgets to pay for the building, all of the furniture we needed, the working supplies, bills, etc. For me, it was a great experience. It opened my eyes to truly get a feel for what it is like in the business world. She goes out of her way to make sure we are happy with the way we are learning and that no one has a problem. Caring is just one of very many characteristics Mrs.Foxwell has!

To find a teacher that you are 100 percent comfortable with asking questions, without feeling like the question is “dumb” or irrelevant, sometimes seems impossible. With Mrs.Foxwell I can guarantee if you asked every student who attended her class, 99% of them would say they were completely comfortable with asking questions or adding comments about the lesson. Not only were students comfortable with asking for help in business tech. class but also with situations in life or even at home. She made it clear to the students that she wasn’t just teaching for the job; she was there for the school and the students. Doing interviews in 8th grade really helped me learn how to approach people in a respectful and polite way. I may seem outgoing and chatty, but I can be very shy and timid. Learning how to interview and public speak helped me get over that fear. Mrs.Foxwell helped me one on one with my interview for DMA, that helped a tremendous amount. I walked into my interview with not a worry about anything.Till this day if I need help with something I am learning in business or even just something that I feel she could help me with, I will still go to Mrs.Foxwell for help via email.

Of course learning is a great thing to do while in school because that’s what it’s for, but sometimes it's good to have fun too. Mrs. Foxwell would never fail to make business class fun. Yes, we learned everyday and acted like we were in a real business environment, but we learned differently than any other class. She is an outgoing and loving person, so it wasn't hard to have fun with Mrs.Foxwell. We would listen to music in her class, sometimes redecorate and the best part were the colorful Christmas lights all around the classroom. It was just a happy place to be. Mrs.Foxwell isn’t just a teacher; she a therapist, coach, friend, and an all around great person. She taught us to be proactive in life and be like Nike and “Just Do It.” That phrase has helped me a lot when I'm trying to slack off, but then I remember what she told us everyday, and I pull myself together and get my work done.

Business technology had a huge impact on my middle school years. I truly do not think I would be the same student I am and work the way I do now if I did not have Mrs.Foxwell as my teacher. I came out of that class with so many skills that I have used from the day I learned them, and I will continue to use them for the rest of my life. I really got a taste of what it is like in the real world in business technology, and I feel comfortable saying I am quite prepared. Mrs.Foxwell is always ready to help someone, make their day better, or even just talk to someone. Everyday she walks into the room, and she puts a smile on everyone's face. My goal in life is to be as respectful, happy, loving and, successful as my most favorite teacher, Mrs.Foxwell. She is my nomination for Educator of the Year.

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