Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 21, 2016
By lindseymauchin BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
lindseymauchin BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Two in one is the best;my nomination is for Mrs.White. I think she would be a good teacher to choose for this contest, because I feel Mrs.White has all the great qualities you would need to win for the best educator of the year and here’s why.

Mrs.White is my field hockey coach, but she’s also my Spanish teacher, when ever I needed her help bringing up my grades, she tried her best to help be out when ever she could. If you had a bad grade on your report card that mean’t you couldn’t play field hockey anymore. She helped me a lot with my school work, so I could continue doing what I likes to do the most. She also stays after school to help anyone with their Spanish work.

Mrs.White is very funny, but she’s serious when needed, She’s very professional about her work and the field hockey team. Also, she’s very kind. She supports the team by making schedules for our games and planning team events and other fun things for us to do as a group. She works really hard and puts a lot of effort into everything.

Another reason why i am nominating Mrs.White is because she is a very hard worker. For example, she makes all of her tests her own and they’re really big; that must take a long time. She also tries to grade all of the tests as fast as she can and puts them into HAC, and thats a LOT of tests to grade. She’s also having a baby soon, and she is still in work! I don’t think anything is going to stop her from teaching and coaching any time soon.

In conclusion, I feel that Mrs. White would be the perfect person to pick for educator of the year this, not just because she’s my coach, but it’s because she’s a great teacher and a good person.

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