Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 22, 2016
By Krasscreed BRONZE, Wilmington , Delaware
Krasscreed BRONZE, Wilmington , Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's always a work day.

What makes a good teacher? I believe it's a preference but for me they would need to be able to teach, and be a good role model.The way teachers have taught have to be unique to keep the students interested and learning. The teacher I believe to be this way is Mr.Walker.

A reason of Mr walker being a good teacher is how he holds classes. He is able To keep class interesting and still teach us. He even introduce A new class topic of debating, In the debates he gives us these hard topics to discuss and talk about. Even when he teaches us about geography using videos, he keeps the classes interesting while still learning. When teaching with the videos he uses the planet life documentary which looks cool and is informative.

One of my favorite reason I think he is a great teacher is because he can talk to students one on one. When we need help with something we can always ask him for help. He can hold a political conversation and even treats people like adults. He likes to talk to me about modern issues and topics like the presidential election and I really appreciate it when he talks to me about it. He likes to pull up even new events in the election to teach the class about how crazy this election year is.

I believe he is a great coach. He pushes us to be the best students and player we could be. We play and he yells to make us better and makes us the best we could be. If we mess up at practice; we have to do sprints so we learn our lessons. If the defense even messes up we end up doing push ups to enforce our minds and bodies.

To put it into better words I believe Mr.walker is a great teacher, coach, and person. Mostly because of the things I have said earlier. I believe he deserves to be made the educator of the year because he works hard and never falters because every day a work day.

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