Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 21, 2016
By MichaelRydlewski BRONZE, Wilmington , Delaware
MichaelRydlewski BRONZE, Wilmington , Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had a teacher that you just admired? I do right now, and his name is Mr. Walker. He has many characteristics I like in a teacher. Mr. Walker is a funny guy, he is enthusiastic about what he does, and he’s extremely nice. I feel that Mr. Walker would be a great nominee for the Educator of the Year Award.


As I just stated, Mr. Walker is a funny guy. Civics is not that fun of a class, but he finds a way to make it fun and funny. He brings a sense of humor to the classroom everyday. He makes the class more enjoyable by cracking jokes during class, while keeping on the topic at hand. He would always say funny jokes about each of the presidential candidates. Mr. Walker creates a better environment for the class that way. I think Mr. Walker is one of the funniest teachers I’ve ever had.


Another thing about Mr. Walker that I like is that he is very enthusiastic about his job. He loves to teach about civics and geography, and shows it by the way he teaches. Before, after, or when there’s downtime in class, Mr. Walker loves to be engaged in conversations about what we are learning and politics. He is up-to-date with the presidential race, and he loves to talk about it. Mr. Walker is also extremely enthusiastic about a sport he loves: lacrosse. He played in high school and now coaches for DMA. He does a good job at it, too!


Additionally, Mr. Walker is really nice. He cares about all of his students individually, and you can tell by the way he acts towards everyone during class. He also cares about more than just the student’s academics. Mr. Walker makes sure everybody is doing alright at home and they have the right mindset to come to class with. Furthermore, I have never felt more comfortable in a classroom than in Mr.
Walker’s class.


After reading this, can you still remember that teacher you admired? Do you think your teacher is better than Mr. Walker is as a teacher? Mr. Walker has many great teaching traits and techniques that make him an extraordinary instructor. I sure will miss him as my teacher next year! To sum up, Mr. Walker would be an incredible choice for the Educator of the Year Award!

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