Jim Kolokowski | Teen Ink

Jim Kolokowski

April 18, 2016
By 7browns SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
7browns SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
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Soccer is, and always will be my favorite sport to play. Beginning at the age of four, I’ve found something that I truly love doing. I loved kicking the ball into the back of the net, giving me a uplifting rush which made me want to continue. Coaches are a leading factor of my love and passion for this sport. As a freshman, I was nervous to begin a new chapter in my soccer career. Playing on a completely new team with a new coach, and girls I don’t know gave me a tight stomach. I have a bubbly personality, but all players get nervous at some point in their lives.
The first day of practice felt as though a weight was being lifted off my chest.I had a positive feeling about my teammates, but I haven't had a full conversation with Kolo yet.
“Hey knuckleheads! I’m Coach Kolokowski, but you can call me Kolo!” Having such a crazy personality with a hilarious sense of humor; Kolo made my freshman year unforgettable.
Kolo is the most respectful and enjoyable coach I’ve ever played for. Our practices consisted of team building, soccer skills, and lots of burpees. Kolo’s way of coaching is a different style than the multiple coaches I’ve played for these past 12 years. He makes playing soccer more than just soccer.
“ONE TEAM” is the Arrowhead saying, and Kolo believed in it. He changed the way I feel about soccer and gave not only me, but my whole team a new mindset about the game. It’s not all about winning or the amount of playing time you get per game--it’s about doing what I love and taking advantage of it with the time I have left. Kolo’s ways of coaching made my teammates and I feel as though we were learning nothing, but as the season progressed we were improving with our speed and skills. He taught us without us even knowing we were learning. I’ve never felt more love and excitement both on  and off the soccer field until I met my freshman coach. He turned my team into a family, a family I will have with me forever. By uniting my team and making everyone feel loved and wanted.
Now as a 17 year old junior at Arrowhead High School, I no longer have Kolo as my coach. But that doesn't stop him from coming to all of my soccer games, and cheering from the sidelines He even attending my cross country meets, and rides around on his bike cheering, “Way to go Sarah!!.” He makes me feel like I belong on the field, and always keeps my spirit up. He always haves a smile on his face, and having conversations with his past players. He never forgets his players because he thinks of them as his own.
I’m nominating Jim Kolokowski as educator of the year because he inspires me to be me. He is someone I can trust and look up to. His teaching abilities are not in a classroom, but they are on the field. And he never fails to teach me something new everyday. Thank you Kolo for all you do!

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