Educator of the year | Teen Ink

Educator of the year

April 18, 2016
By caagerup2081 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
caagerup2081 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the year

First day of Arrowhead high school, nervous, sweating, wondering if the teachers would be outgoing, cranky, or just a simple teacher. Second hour, Algebra the day I walked in the room,  I met Mr. Bechtel. I would never of thought I could meet a teacher who has the same interests as me. Mr.Bechtel has the same interests with music,sports, hobbies. Me and Mr.bechtel both are obsessed with the game of football, both are always in the weight room.
Mr. Bechtel had an interesting nickname for me, and till this day I don't understand why. Mr.Bechtel came up with the nickname Chris, saying that I look more like a Chris then a Casey   In the halls, in the classroom, does not matter where I was,  Mr.Bechtel would shout “oh hey Chris”!
Mr.Bechtel would always be there, when I needed help with math, questions about football or  lifting. Mr. Bechtel is the offense coordinator for the football team, so if one person has a question about the offense, he is the one to go to.  In 303c Mr.Bechtel would be helping as many people as he could in the time he had with them. Mr.Bechtel always has his students back, no matter what problems you are having he would always help you out. Students in the school would go to him if they would be having a problem with other students. He would try to give them the best advice he possibly could.  
It was never hard to find out where Mr.Bechtel was in the hallway, either hear him say hey Chris, or I could just pick him out. He is an outstanding  teacher, but also is a great leader. When the team would be lifting, he  pushed everyone to do one more rep. Does not matter how tired you were, Mr.Bechtel would always push you to your limit. When you are in the weight he would know that you're tired, but he wanted you to do one more rep.    He would do the same thing in the classroom, always wanting you to do one more problem.
Going to open lifts on Friday after school were always the best with Mr.Bechtel.   My friends, Mr. Bechtel and myself always push each other to always do one more rep.
On and off the field, Mr.Bechtel was like a best friend to me.  If I  needed help I could always count on him. Sophomore year was different without Mr.Bechtel. Arrowhead is made up of two campuses. I was still at south, Mr.Bechtel had went up to north to teach. I know if I still had a question he would still have an answer to it no matter what the question was. I would ask about math, Mr.Bechtel would always do his best to answer. 
Mr.Bechtel was still an outstanding coach, always pushing me to go that extra mile. Mr Bechtel has been a great role model for me.
Mr.Bechtel was like superman in the weightroom and the classroom, just in khakis and a shirt. Mr.Bechtel is the best coach in arrowhead history, for one reason. You can  count on him to help you with your worst subject. Mr.Bechtel can train you in the weightroom, on the field to the best of his ability.  Mr.Bechtel my favorite teacher and coach at Arrowhead.  He is honest, caring,and the best teacher a student could ever ask for.   


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