Best Educator | Teen Ink

Best Educator

April 18, 2016
By 6fritz GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
6fritz GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve always disliked science, even when I was young. I’ve been inadequate at it or even mildly understood it. But that changed when I walked into Mr. Tschanz’s physics classroom the first day of junior year. He made our classroom electric with his anticipation to share his knowledge with us.
Mr. Tschanz is the smartest guy who I have ever met. He is able to complete challenging math problems in his head in a matter of seconds. He is able to show me how each formula was created and tell me who created it. Mr Tschanz has his masters in biochemistry and is a genius in both physics and chemistry and is acquainted with all knowledge in general.
In physics we had to work in small, four person groups on all of our labs and projects. As with any group that has to work on something together, the work load is usually not split up evenly. I was that person who had to do nearly everything if I wanted to get a good grade. Mr. Tschanz knew this too and regularly offered me help just to make sure I understood all that he had to teach. He would often use his own personal time during lunch or after school just to help me out and to ensure that I had a firm understanding to ace the test.
Mr. Tschanz has an interesting obsession with RC cars. We frequently used them in class by analysing their velocity and the forces that act upon them. Mr. Tschanz tied RC cars into topics that I didn’t know were possible. He even used them when we were pouring sand from a pendulum.
Mr. Tschanz would have us do these fun brain teasers called “lab challenges.” We would have to accomplish certain goals like dropping an egg attached to a bungee cord and get it as close to the table as possible without harming the egg. I remember that lab challenge the best because Mr. Tschanz said that he had never seen a group do it as well as our group did.
One of the most memorable trips is when all of the physics classes were able to go to Six Flags together during school. Mr. Tschanz made it a memorable trip because, along with having tons of fun on the rides, we also were able to do physics experiments in the park. We were able to see how fast each ride went and how much force was exerted on us as we rode them.
Mr. Tschanz is the best teacher I will ever have because of his passion to teach and dedication to his students. Everyday when I walked in the class I could always feel the energy that he brought to the atmosphere and he made me want to learn. I have always hated science for my entire life, that is until I walked into Mr. Tschanz’s class.

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