Mrs. Carlton | Teen Ink

Mrs. Carlton

April 18, 2016
By KP2016 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
KP2016 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At the age of four my parents came to the conclusion that speech therapy was a necessity (because of my trouble with expressive language and articulation). As a kid, I was deflated as I focused my attention on catching up to others my age. My trouble speaking clearly needed a helping hand. This is when my parents contacted Lake Country, so I could begin speech therapy.
Through this, I met Mrs. Carlton. Mrs. Carlton is the speech therapist at Lake Country School and she became one of my favorite people. She made me realize the potential I had and the successes I could obtain. She always said, “We will get through this together!” I felt satisfied with her by my side.
Her students are her priority; she is supporting, sympathetic, and sophisticated. As a child I didn’t want to go to speech therapy. I’d much rather be watching Disney Channel or playing with my toys. But Mrs.Carlton changes the perspectives of her students. She engages her students by playing games and trying different activities. For example, I’d pick a board game to play and when it was my turn to roll I had to practice the pronunciation of different words. Or when I worked on the “f,” sound we read the book Jack and the Beanstalk and practiced saying “fee fie fo fum!” She made learning and hard work enjoyable. Mrs. Carlton never came short when motivating her students.
Most of all her personality shines. When I’m with Mrs. Carlton I feel delighted with her presence. Mrs. Carlton cares for her students and is someone you want to have in your life. Not only is she a teacher, but a mother and wife.  She excels in all three categories because of her heart.
Mrs. Carlton is committed. She believed in me and helped me overcome my challenges. My parents and teachers saw growth in speech and in the classroom. I started to pronunciate words and others could understand me. I became an honor roll student in middle school and in high school with her help.  For ten years, we worked on whatever I needed. When I wasn’t working on speech, she helped me with my english or reading assignments. If I ever needed a quiet place to work her room was available. I've never met a teacher or a person like her.
I feel grateful to have Mrs. Carlton as a friend. She will always be a part of my life. When I get married one day she will have an invitation. In the beginning I came to Mrs. Carlton because I needed help, but now I go to her because she is a special part of my life.

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