Educator | Teen Ink


April 18, 2016
By Dillon12526 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Dillon12526 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

School has never really been my strong suit (unless I'm in autos, woodshop, or metals). I struggled to find joy in being in a classroom since I was in kindergarten. And I had trouble making friends so school wasn’t my favorite activity. High school was a change and even though I still don’t enjoy school, I always look forward to Mr. Varrelmann's automotive classes. Mr. Varrelmann brightens up the classroom and the garage in his own special way. He is full of humor and stories about what we are learning each day.  For example, a group of students can be standing around a car
and he will walk over and say in his sarcastic voice and ask, “So how many Arrowhead
students does it take to change a headlight?”

When we have lab, he is always engaged in our activities, what we
are working on, and anything we need help with. For example I was having trouble with my starter solenoid, when I came to class the next day I got to talk with him about replacing the part. Even though it was a small job, you can still see he is interested and happy his students are engaged in the class outside of school.  Mr. Varrelmann is one of the easiest people to talk to for the simple reason that he loves his job and
working on cars. Aside from being a fun person to be around, he is also personable,
relatable, and involved. There is never a moment when I can’t talk to
him about your own issues with your car.

He doesn’t restrict questions to the curriculum of class. He is
open and willing to help with anything regardless of the job. Mr. Varrelmann is
like a database for all cars minus the computer wires. And he isn’t fun just in the garage. He also somehow manages to make the classroom lectures fun and full of demonstrations. He understands that the lectures may not be fun, so he tries his best to make his slideshows enjoyable and detailed. For example, when he was doing a demonstration on engine compression. He would make his own example by squeezing a racquet ball into a tube and igniting lighter fluid in the tube which made the ball fly across the shop.It's little things like this that make the class that much more enjoyable. It isn’t every day you get to launch something across the shop and not get in trouble for it. Mr. Varrelmann makes school fun, dull moments are rare in this class. 

Mr. Varrelmann deserves this award because he is one of a kind. He
is approachable, amazingly enthusiastic, and amusing. He does a good
job and he isn't afraid to take on a challenge. He is outgoing,happy and just overall an amazing teacher. He makes school enjoyable for me. It makes my day better when I have autos because it’s not only my favorite hobby, but also because Mr. V makes the classroom environment enjoyable, full of laughter, and fun. Some kids just need that one class they can look forward to and his class is that class for me.

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