Varrelmann...Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Varrelmann...Educator of the Year

April 18, 2016
By Rodney47 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Rodney47 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Varrelmann is a hard working, creative and ambitious individual that is a father and teacher. He is a autos teacher at Arrowhead High School. He teaches juniors and seniors about the world of being an auto mechanic. He puts the class in a good mood with hilarious jokes that he tells everyday. One being ”how many kids does it take to fix a light bulb.” This is more of an inside joke because when people are doing something that takes one person you will see three or four.
Mr. Varrelmann shares his experiences of starting out at dealerships and the several jobs he has performed. Also how much more he learned by having plenty of years at one certain dealership. He told us that it is in our best interest to stick with one dealership and not to go to a smaller garage so that we can focus our attention on one brand; not multiple vehicle brands.
I've always wanted to be an auto mechanic. I find it so much fun working on engines and cars. So far I’ve taken two semesters of autos and love it. There is not a second I regret taking autos for the first year.
Mr. Varrelmann is always entertaining and in a great mood. Even though some tasks are frustrating, Mr. Varrelmann figures it out and makes it work out. Like first semester there was a kid that had a old jeep that looked like it went through war and made it out. It had to get towed in and nothing would work on it. After about a full semester they had it out and running like a champ. He is one of the greatest problem solvers I know and I would like to follow in his footsteps to become an auto mechanic. The amount of devotion, diligence, and directness he has to his students is absolutely incredible. 
Mr. Varrelmann is not only an inspiration to me, but he is also an inspiration to many of his past students who have gone on to be an auto mechanic. He teaches everything you'll ever need to know before going onto college. He takes time to talk and help to every single person and he goes out of his way to help each student figure out what is wrong with their cars.
Mr. Varrelmann does not know how much he really impacts his students’ daily lives. He helps us learn new things that will easily transfer to the real world. Sometimes when I'm in a bad mood, he will make a joke about what I did wrong and make me smile even though I don't want to. He is just such a fun and entertaining teacher who is able  to keep people interested in the class.
He such a happy, helpful and honest individual who makes anyone's day better. By saying that I believe Mr. Varrelmann deserves this award because of how much he does for all of his students and how much he teaches them. He readys all of his students for the real world application and feels confident that any of us can go out and apply what we have learn in his class to the real world. Mr. Varrelmann is the greatest teacher I have ever had and can not wait for my senior year of autos.

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