My Favorite Teacher | Teen Ink

My Favorite Teacher

April 19, 2016
By Anonymous

When I think back to my days of Sunday School, I am reminded of flannelgraph Bible characters, singing Jesus Loves Me, coloring worksheets, and so much more. Mrs. Uljanik, my Sunday School teacher, packed the short time we had together full of truths and fun.
Gentle, calm, and patient are words I would use to describe Mrs. Uljanik. Having a class full of students around the age of five definitely requires all three of those traits. She made learning the age old stories from the Bible interesting. We would learn about characters like David and Goliath, then act out their stories using cut out people stuck to a flannel graph. Then, we’d get a worksheet that dealt with the story we were talking about and color.
In all the Sunday mornings I spent in her class, I never remember her getting upset with me or any of the kids--I only remember her loving and cheerful attitude. She made learning about Jesus a fun thing. I remember the stickers we’d place on our activity logs that hung on the wall. Mrs. Uljanik would hand me the sticker that symbolized what I was learning in her class. I can still picture the little pieces of colorful paper displaying all that our class had accomplished. She showed us how fun learning could be. Little activities like those have, to this day, made me passionate about religion.
She played a vital role in my growth spiritually because she taught me basic truths. By the time I had graduated out of her class, she had taught me things like love your neighbor, that lying is never okay, and that Jesus loves me. She told the Bible stories with such excitement that I couldn’t help but get into them too. It evoked a curiosity in me. I wanted to be as excited about those Bible stories as she was and it made me eager to learn.
I also remember the way she took interest in each of her students. She didn’t just care about me inside her classroom, but she cared about me outside her classroom as well. She took time to plan activities, parties or mother-daughter events, for the kids in the church outside of Sunday School.
One year, she hosted a tea party for the girls in the church. We sat around sipping on tea and nibbling at little sandwiches. At the end of the party, she drew a name from a hat and that girl won a beautiful doll to take home. I spent to whole party admiring the doll, which was set up on display for all the girls to see. When she finally drew the name, I was devastated to hear that it wasn’t mine. My mother consoled my sadness and I went home that day upset.
When we arrived the next morning for church, Mrs. Uljanik walked in holding a box. With a smile, she came over to hand it to me. I was confused, but I took it because what little kid didn’t want a present? In the box was the same doll from the day before, but this time there was no drawing names from a hat. She had bought the doll just for me. At the time, I was excited to have a new doll to play with, but whenever I look back on that moment, I am overcome with gratitude. I’m so thankful that she went out of her way to make me feel so special and loved. I will never forget that. I hope that I can show someone the same kind of love she showed me throughout the years I was in her class.
That wasn’t the only gift I received from Mrs. Uljanik. Every Sunday was a special day that required a little trinket. She had a gift for each of her students and it made us all feel a little more special. Each birthday and every holiday we received a present that was unique to us and our personalities.
Whenever I step foot into the tiny classroom where Mrs. Uljanik taught us, a wave of emotions rush over me. First, I feel thankfulness because Mrs. Uljanik invested so much into the lives of her students. Second, I am reminded of the way she loved and cared for each of her students (and this still makes me feel special and loved). Lastly, I feel encouraged. I am reminded of the things I learned in that classroom from Mrs. Uljanik and it reminds me to continue to learn the truths the Bible teaches.
Mrs. Uljanik is like a diamond in the rough. She is a teacher you get once in a lifetime. I will forever cherish the memories I have from that Sunday School class and the excitement she gave each of her students about learning the Bible. There is no doubt in my mind the Lord has blessed her with the ability to teach and disciple young children. I will never forget her love, patients, and animation that made her Sunday School class my favorite.

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