Educator | Teen Ink


April 19, 2016
By Anonymous

Middle school at Merton Intermediate was an exciting journey. I experienced a great deal of things and had suburb teachers. But for me my favorite teacher was my gym teacher Mr. Pomeroy. He was one of my most important teachers and that's due to how he taught us to stay fit / be active while actually having a good time.
Mr. Pomeroy has been in my life for most of my childhood, he was my gym teacher during elementary school and middle school. Its because of him I would look forward to school. He'd come prepared with a list of games and activities for us to choose from, which was a great time no matter what he would have us doing.
Like most teachers Mr. Pomeroy took his job seriously, even though he was a gym teacher, but due to the fact that he was a gym teacher it gave me respect towards Mr. P. He would look out for myself and others, weather he was doing his job and making sure we were being safe, or if he noticed we were having a bad day he would always try to get us to talk and then cheer us up. Even though he had took his job seriously he still acted like a teenage boy most the time. Im near convinced he is a fourteen year old with a mask. Always about having fun in the best ways.
Like most kids I didn't like going to school I still managed to show up almost an hour early each and every day. This was because in 7th grade Mr. P had given my friends and I a job as the new set up crew. Im very thankful for getting the chance to be on this since it had allowed myself to become even closer with Mr. P as well as start to think of him as more of a friend then a teacher. In addition, to getting to be apart of set up crew, Mr. P also gave me the chance to fill in on his track team. After he asked me I was shocked and excited, I never thought out of all the big runners in the school he'd give me the shot, but he did and he also went ahead and taught me what to do and how to do it fast and efficient. Nobody had asked him to do this for me, which is when I realized how much he cared and how he wanted me to excel.
Even to this day I still go back to my middle school to say hello to my old teachers and see what's new. Every time I go back I always make sure to see Mr.P first and like always he still remembers me and makes sure i'm staying fit. So this is why I am nominating Mr. Pomeroy as best teacher. I truly do believe he deserves this, Thank you for everything Mr. P you still are my favorite teacher.

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