Coach Cachey | Teen Ink

Coach Cachey

April 19, 2016
By tskaggs SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
tskaggs SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Coach Cachey
Even when I said, “I can’t,” he said, “I could.” Even when I said, “I won’t,” he said, “You will.” And even when I said, “I don’t believe in myself,” he said, “I believe in you.”
When picturing a coach, I would picture someone who teaches me how to play a sport, learn an instrument, or someone who acts like a boss. However, in the past two years, Coach Cachey has been more than just my hockey coach. He is also my life coach. 
When I walked into the rink on April 21st, 2014, for the first time that day, I was so scared to meet him and the other 20 girls on the team. I thought, I don’t know if I want to do this, and this is going to be a difficult year. I have always aspired to reach high levels with hockey and I needed someone to help get me there.
Before I met him, I heard rumors that he is a tough coach, practices can be vigorous and that he is exceptionally committed to the sport.  Knowing all of this, I had to make the decision whether I was ready to do this, and play for him or not.
After meeting him for the first time, I felt as though he was friendly, and he seemed like an average Italian man that was super enthusiastic about coaching girls hockey. In all of this, it made my decision to play for the Chicago Mission hockey club an easy one.
Once the season started, there was no turning back, and I got to see the real Tony Cachey. It shocked me how committed this guy was. He talked about us like we were his own kids. He had a firing passion to watch us succeed and he was there to not only make us into better hockey players, but also better people. I always thought What guy would drive three hours to coach hockey practice? But he always strived every day to help us become young women ready to take on the world.
There are significant things I have experience over the past two years I will never forget: winning the national championship, committing to play college hockey, and making relationships with people I will never forgot.
Every time that we step on the ice with coach, he teaches us how to persevere when we want you quit, he has taught us to work hard to reach our goals, and taught us how to be better people. As a result of this I never say “I can’t,” “I won’t,” or “I don’t believe in myself.” And this is because he has inspired me to new levels.
Along with being a motivator, Coach always put his problems aside and put us first. Never have I heard Coach complain about anything that he do. No matter how bad his day was with work or home, he always seem to ask us about our day and put a smile on our faces. If life threw him a curveball I know that he would take that opportunity and knock it out of the park.
Coach Cachey has had a tremendous impact on my journey, and if it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be where I am now--and that's why he is my coach of the year, and always will be.
I am nominating Coach Cachey for this award because I have never known another coach as passionate about his team, and who cares about each player as if they were one of his own. He had helped so many of us get where we want to be and to follow our dreams. Thank you, Coach, for having such an impact on my life and making me into a better person. No one is as deserving of this award than you are. 

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