Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 19, 2016
By ashlyn123 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ashlyn123 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Writing was my worst enemy. Although I wasn’t bad at it, I never longed to do it.  That hatred changed the second my foot stepped through Mr. Feuerstahler’s door for 11th grade composition.  In most classes, I sat down, listened to the lesson, and left without a single word from the teacher.  There was nothing more than grades exchanged between us, but Mr. F… he was different. He was genuine, helpful, and kind-hearted.  He is a simple man with a complex mind and a love for writing. 
In my 16 years of life and 13 years of schooling, Mr. F has made the biggest impact on me and was able to turn my hatred for writing into mad love.  He is real, which is hard to find.
On the first day of composition, Mr. Feuerstahler came over to the empty desk behind me and sat down.  He asked about my sister, who he had once had in class, and what was going on in her life.  That was the moment I knew he cared about his students.  He remembered things, and he was interested in how his students were doing in and out of his class. 
Each piece of writing he presented to us had a purpose--a real purpose.  He was able to apply our assignments to life.  I got to write about things I love, things I hate, and things that matter to me.  Mr. F taught me through writing that not everything has to be perfect.  When I was struggling with a piece, he would sit down and help.  He took time and was always patient. 
When Mr. F read my assignments, it wasn’t just a grading process for him.  He was truly interested in what I had to say.  He made me feel like my writing mattered, and that I might be good at it.  Finding purpose in tasks was important to me and with writing I found purpose.  I owe that to Mr. F.
Mr. Feuerstahler’s love for teaching is unquestionable.  He inspired me.  I wanted the passion he had, and in one semester’s time, I had it.  Every time I left his class, I felt accomplished and proud of what I had created. 
I nominate Mr. F because he encouraged me to push my limits, to break down my walls, and to write boldly, freely.  He puts his students before himself and he wants his students to succeed, not only in his class but in their futures.

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