Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 19, 2016
By S.Faris PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
S.Faris PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
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I moped into the acting classroom on the first day of school, and she started her introduction with an apology. “I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to sit in your desk for a little while, I’ll keep it short, I promise!” At that moment, I knew that class was going to be different--because of her. I excitedly attended my first play rehearsal and she handed me a script and beamed as she said, “Welcome to the family!” At that moment, I knew that show was going to be different--because of her. I had met the one and only, Maralynn Markano. I wasn’t aware at the time of what that single interaction would mean to me, but I would soon learn. Because those experiences were going to be different--because of her.

Speech, English, acting, directing, stage managing, and assuming the role of mother figure to every student she meets, she’s a tiny woman with a stunning personality who truly does it all. Mrs. Markano is a woman of many positions. The one I have been influenced by most is one that is seen both during and after school hours. As director of the school plays and teacher of the acting class, she has taught me what it means to do what you love, and to love what you do. Mrs. Markano is compassionate, she is insanely driven, and she models the person I would like to be in the future.

Mrs. Markano is one of the most compassionate people I have ever met. I cannot count the number of times I have heard her ask a student if they were okay, because she noticed they seemed off. There are 2,400 students in this school and she notices when one is having an off day and goes out of her way to make sure they are okay. That, is compassion. I cannot count the number of times I’ve heard of her sitting down with a student to talk, whether they were having family problems, their grades were hurting, or even because they just needed to talk. That, is compassion. I also cannot count the number of times I have heard someone say they dislike Mrs. Markano, or the number of times I’ve seen her give up on a difficult student. I cannot count these occurrences, because they don’t happen. That, is compassion. Mrs. Markano is a woman with a heart so immense, that there truly is room for everyone. 

Never in my experience have I heard the words “You can’t” escape her lips when one of her students was faced with a problem. It was always “Try again,” “I know you can do this,” or “You’ll get it, just stick with it.” She is the pillar of positivity and strength for her students.

Her confidence in what we--obnoxious, goofy, and imperfect high school students--can do, is unparalleled. Mrs. Markano supports her students’ ventures and believes in us perpetually--even in some cases--more than we believe in ourselves. Because she has such confidence in me, it’s impossible not to believe in myself more everyday, simply because I spend time with her.

Mrs. Markano is one of those special people that you only meet a few times in your life. She is one of those people that the first time you speak to them, you know they are going to change your life. She is one of those people that once you meet them, you know you’ve found your idol.

This entire essay I have been trying to put into words emotions that are honestly impossible to explain. Never in my life have I met a woman as unbelievably driven, kindhearted, and deserving of admiration. I would not be the person I am today without Maralynn Markano and for that I am eternally grateful. She is a woman who, though most cannot physically look up to her, irresistibly draws you in, and gives you no choice, but to grow.

The author's comments:

This is a piece written about my favorite teacher. 

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