Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 19, 2016
By 6carroll GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6carroll GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
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Educator of the Year
Starting a job for the first time is scary and challenging. Making new friends, proving responsibility, and becoming accustomed to the tempo of working is difficult. At 15, I started my career at Culver’s in Hartland. It was overwhelming with the amount of hours I had to give up and the responsibility required to maintain a good reputation. But I tried my best to make friends and become close with the managers.
After several months of working at Culver’s, one specific manager stuck out. This was because of his strengths in patience, understanding, and communication. I want to nominate Jordan Krainer as educator of the year because of his determination to lead in the workplace and to go beyond his job description.
Jordan is 25 years old and a kitchen manager at Culver’s and a student at Wisconsin Lutheran College. I didn’t get to know Jordan very well until about six months of working there because I wasn’t old enough to work in the kitchen yet. However, when I started working in the kitchen I got to know him well because of the amount of tireless hours of bustling in the kitchen during lunch and dinner rushes.
Although Jordan has a great skill set in the kitchen and a strong sense of authority and leadership, that’s not what makes him special. It’s how he goes beyond his job description by talking and teaching life lessons more than just how to flip a burger. I have never met someone that listens and cares more about others so much in my life than him.
Everytime I work with him, he asks me how things are going and asks me about my problems. He listens to what I have to say and remembers all of it and cares about the outcome. He truly cares about his employee’s and their well-being.
Over the years, I have become close with Jordan, and he has become my go-to person when I have problems in my life. This is because of his willingness to listen. He takes away his problems and focuses on me. He is a selfless person in that aspect. Not only does he just listen, but he gives honest and wise advice. I value his opinion so much because I know he will give me an honest answer. For example, when I got into a fight with my friends and it was my fault, Jordan didn’t hesitate in telling me that it was caused by me and I need to the be the one to make things right with my friend. He doesn’t sugar coat things and say it will be alright. He is not afraid to tell me how it is which is why I give him so much respect. I also give him respect because he is relatable. He is at the perfect age because he has finished high school and is a couple years into college which makes him knowledgeable with day to day problems as a young adult.
After working at Culver’s for three years, I know I would not be where I am today if it weren’t for Jordan. Not only has been a role model for responsibility and diligence in the workplace, but he has also taught me so much about life and what it means to be a good leader and friend.
I believe he deserves this award for his continuous dedication to help and teach others. Jordan helps everyone out at work because he truly cares about the people around him. He has helped countless of people with their life problems. He is humble about helping people out because it is truly who he is. Thank you, Jordan, for teaching me so much and being there for me.

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