Teacher of the year | Teen Ink

Teacher of the year

April 20, 2016
By ThisNameIsClassified BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ThisNameIsClassified BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I would like to nominate Kelsey Dittrich for Teacher of

the Year. Kelsey is dedicated in her education as a student teacher at Tonawanda Elementary

School in Elm Grove, WI. Not only does she work for my family, but she has been going to

school full time at Carroll University studying Elementary and Special Education. I met Kelsey

four years ago, when my parents decided they needed after school help for my sisters and I.

Not many people know that I have Aspergers, it has impaired me socially and educationally.

Kelsey is worthy of the Teacher of the Year award for helping me with social cues, improving my

educational skills, and she serves as role model for helping others.

I’ve always had trouble trying to explain to others how I feel or express what I mean. It

was also difficult for me to tell how people are really feeling. That all changed when I met

Kelsey at one of my basketball games at North Shore School. She helped me with interpreting

body language, and how important it is in a conversation. I have been known to talk about

random topics or inappropriate topics. Kelsey has helped me by telling me to know my

surroundings in case someone might get offended. Finally, I struggle with trying to initiate

conversations. Kelsey has helped by interpreting my thoughts when I’m trying to start a

conversation. Overall, Kelsey has paved the path for me to understand social cues and apply

them in life.

Kelsey is not all work and no play, she knows how to balance the two. I was unable to

do a school project without excessive help or people practically doing the project for me. Kelsey

Dittrich was always been there to help her students, including me.. She is always able to make

my work look very professional even if it doesn’t. She gives advice on how to connect my

interests with school assignments. Finally, she has helped me organize my work by using

outlines and the rubrics that are provided for me by my teachers. Kelsey has helped pave the

way for me to have success in school., as I recently got an A­ on a Western Civilizations project

that I worked on by myself, thanks to her advice.

Kelsey is driven to be the best and has encouraged me to be the best.at which she is,

and it shows because the people that have the privilege to become a part of her life appreciate

how she respects them. She is currently attending Carroll University and learning about

students with disabilities and sh e practices these techniques with her students at Tonawanda.

She takes her job so seriously that she has taken ideas from books and applied some of the

ideas in real life. Kelsey may not be the typical teacher yet, but she has been going to school to

teach little kids with disabilities. She is able to talk to communicate with a wide range of people

and treat them all the same. She treats all people with respect, no matter what age or disability

they may have. Finally, she is a reliable and trusting individual, as she has greatly helped her

students at Tonawanda and my family through hard and tough times.

I nominate Kelsey Dittrich for Teacher of the Month for her dedication of teaching others,

her respect for all of the people in her life, and the having the ability to make someone's

weakness into a strength.

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