Nomination | Teen Ink


April 20, 2016
By Anonymous

While trying to make the decision of choosing a teacher that I thought deserved the title of “Educator of The Year”, many teachers came to mind. But there's this one teacher that stood out from the rest, my Civics and Geography teacher Mr.Walker.

Now you may be thinking to yourself,”What's so special about him?Well to start things off,he was very open-minded. Since he was a Civics teacher we talked about current events all the time. Most of the class conversations involved presidential debates, ISIS, and mass shootings. While everyone,including myself, had a stance on certain issues,Mr.Walker provided points to support both parties. He was neutral and rarely ever gave his opinions on these issues.

Mr.Walker is also a pretty funny guy. While in class one day, he teased a student about not getting married at all in the future. The class laughed, but Mr.Walker quickly assured him that he'd meet a nice girl one day. This other time he planned a lesson in which the class had to learn how to read a map. He did this by handing everyone a piece of paper that mapped out the area of the school. Now everyone thought we'd just be looking at a piece of paper and trying to read it but boy,were they wrong! We went outside, and he told everyone to get in order based on the number on their paper. Everyone was confused as to why we were doing this;Mr.Walker said that if we followed the map correctly,that we would be lead to treasure.We finished but made a few errors along the way;the treasure was water and cookies. Everyone had fun during this lesson;we were practically screaming at each other to do this right.

Mr.Walker is also a very caring person. He would never get tired of answering questions that we had about the lesson. If he knew you were a slow test-taker,he'd offer extra time either after school or the day after during mini-block. A few days before finals and midterms he offered help to those who still had questions about the material. He said to go to Panera Bread and jokingly said to buy him a coffee and a bagel.

There were plenty of other reasons why Mr.Walker deserves “Educator of The Year”, but these memories of him stand out the most for me.

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