The Great Coach Erwin | Teen Ink

The Great Coach Erwin

April 20, 2016
By AHSUWO1620 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
AHSUWO1620 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes, all people need is a change in scenery. That’s what happened to me a few months ago. If you go around and ask anyone that knows anything about me, they would say I love the sport of football. People think I’m crazy to play a sport that’s physically demanding with so much preparation. But I have no regrets. I’ve created so many memories and friendships playing this sport, but I’ve also had some downs too. I had a dark time for a while in the summer of 2015 where I thought I was going to watch my senior year from the sidelines because I had a previous defensive line coach that didn’t see anything in me. I even debated quitting. But one man got me out of that time and helped me get from the bottom to the top. That guy would be my defensive line coach for my senior year, Coach Erwin.
The first day I met him he was a short Russian looking guy with black hair that didn’t look like a defensive line coach. He introduced himself and said he would be coaching defensive line and he was going to make us into some bad people in the trenches. This is exactly what I needed because my old defensive line coach didn’t see anything in me.
Coach Erwin was one energetic person. I have days where I just don’t want to do this or that. But he was that person who could bring me back to life and make sure I didn’t feel like that the rest of that practice or workout.
Coach Erwin was fun. He made me want to go to practice everyday because I knew I was putting in work and having fun at the same time.
He would make us compete all time. Who could get off the ball the fastest? Who can beat who is this drill? Who wants it more? He made me stay hungry. By doing this, he also got me and the rest of my teammates to be some bad people that didn’t want to mess with us in the trenches- which by the way is where championships are truly won.
Coach Erwin could also be described as motivational. If I didn’t have that killer instinct in you before a drill, practice, or game, or even the first day, he made sure it was seared into my head and it would never leave. Just hearing his words got me to shoot out of my stance like a rocket and strike a blocking dummy or guy with a different colored jersey with such blunt force, an ordinary human on the streets would be in the hospital for a while with major trauma. If I was struggling, he would do anything to make sure I dug deep and found another gear.
I could thank Coach Erwin for the rest of my life until I die, and it still wouldn’t be enough. This man shaped me not only into a better football player, but also into a better man by teaching me that there’s no excuse to not get better and make the most out of everyday, to never stop short and settle, and that’s what truly counts.
Coach also saved my football career. Because of him, I had a memorable senior year, and I was recruited by UW-Oshkosh and agreed to play for them. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t know where I’d be right now. My guess is a broken person who didn’t believe in himself that watched his senior year from the sidelines and his dreams of playing college football slip away. So that’s why I’m nominating Rob Erwin, or Coach Erwin, for Educator of the year. He can rebuild someone from the ground up as an athlete and man. He can jump start you at any time of the day. Finally, he can get your mind right for any aspect of the game or life when you need it. He deserves it more than anyone out there.

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