Mr. Tower | Teen Ink

Mr. Tower

April 20, 2016
By NMueller890 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
NMueller890 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The start of second semester, I walk into room 162, i'm greeted by a tall man with a deep, raspy voice… “Welcome to sociology, i’m Mr. Tower.” I've heard a lot of things, mixed things about sociology. “It’s really hard, There is a lot of note taking.” These things made me even more nervous than I already was, If I pass this class, I’m done with social studies. I knew I would like Mr. Tower right away from the first day, As soon as the bell rang for class to start “ FIELD TRIP!” It wasn’t much of a field trip (to the book room for textbooks) but none the less it was a field trip.
His theory about sociology, and something that will stick with me for the rest of my life, “ My goal is to show you what you can experience in life if you take your blinders off.” That right there, take your blinders off, is what gave me a whole new outlook on not only something as small as sociology, but on life itself. Mr. Tower and his theory has gotten me to try new things that I thought I would never try in a million years.
One of my favorite things about Mr. Tower is his quirky personality and how in so many ways that ties into his creativity.  Every test we have a white elephant review game, everyone in the class brings a random item in that day, wrapped, and when you get called on, if you answer the question correct you can pick a prize. whenever you go up he always has a funny comment about whatever our gift is. One girl got stickers and once she opened it Mr. Tower said “ oh cool!! Now you can decorate everything!”
I look forward to class everyday, no matter what he always manages to get everybody in the class to smile at least once everyday. Mr. Tower is a father figure to not only his kids, but his students as well as his students. He said we're not here to judge, so if in any of our units there's a topic you’re not comfortable with, we’re here for you. I feel like I can come to Mr. Tower for anything, which if you ask me that is a huge quality in teachers to make their students feel as comfortable. Mr. Tower is sort of a 2nd father to me, not only does he educate me but I can come to him for anything. And that is why I am nominating him for educator of the year.

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