EOY Mrs.White | Teen Ink

EOY Mrs.White

April 21, 2016
By Victoriahoran BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
Victoriahoran BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why am I nominating this person as Educator of the Year ? I selected Mrs.White because she supports us by coming to our indoor field hockey games when she wasn't our coach. She is a caring person to the people around her,and she always has a smile on her face that lights up everyone's day

      She is supportive during field hockey season by letting us have dinners to interact with our teammates to get to know everyone before the season started so we would all feel comfortable with each other. She also gave us opportunities to go on haunted harides with our team. During indoor field hockey season she would come to our games when she wasn’t even our coach;she came to support us

    She is also nice;I say this because when people need help with something like work in Spanish class or during field hockey season,she would help us so we would understand what she was talking about. She would always make being in her class or on the field fun. One time during preseason for field hockey we played games like relay races and bob for the apples;that was the best day i ever had. She always makes everyone smile by what she says or does.

    She is also a very caring person;she helps people with field hockey when people didn't get something,she would help them so that they would understand it. She makes everyone laugh by what she says,and she never says anything bad or negative about people. If people need help with anything like school,work and/or grades she would stay after to help people with their studying and make sure they would understand.

  So in conclusion Mrs.White is the best person I could think of for Educator of the Year Award. She is caring, supportive, and a nice teacher and coach to me. She is there for everyone that needs help with their grades or school work or field hockey. She makes everyone laugh, and that is what everyone love about her. I am grateful i have a teacher/coach in my school like Mrs.White.

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